1. Summary of RFP.
Mock’s Agency has identified the need to the funding to upgrade our existing information system. We are looking for potential vendor for this Request For Proposal and qualifications who would approach the project and implement a fully functional system that works according to our needs including:
· New work stations
· Internet connection
· Servers
· Security solutions
· Backup storage
· Storage & Networking.
The scope of this project includes, but not limited to supplying all necessary hardware, software, integration and installation services, conversion, training, project management maintenance and support.
Mock’s Agency also desires to incorporate the following in the project; Digital camera and mobile cell phone.
Vendors submitting response should:
· All work stations fast and efficient connected to one server including the mobile service for employees’ who are allowed to work from home.
· Develop a strategy that clearly identifies all the requirements needed to improve service delivery to our customers.
· Identify ways that should be taken to improve security in a cost effective manner.
Mock’s Agency requests that responses to this document include a list of similarly complex project undertaken in the last three years.
Pre qualification
Solicitation posted June, 1th may be downloaded from Mock’s Agency opportunity database at http://einstein.franklin.edu/~ndossi04/homepage.htm. Interested parties must obtain 8(a) certification from the Small Business Administration prior to Sept. 10, 2003, 4:30 p.m. CST, the closing date of the solicitation. Questions may be submitted by e-mail to mockA@libertymutual.com.
All responses to this document should be received by the Mock’s Agency no later than 4:00 pm AST on October 15, 2008. All the responses should be sent to: -
Mock’s Agency
Attn: Andree Mock, Contract Manager
PO Box 8819
525 Metro Pl North, 450
Dublin, Oh 43081
Phone: (614)432-1209
Fax: (800)-800-2727
Email: mockA@libertymutual.com
2. Background - The project
Mock’s Agency is a small business insurance agency located in Dublin, Ohio. We currently have six employees
Mock’s Agency has received $3.5 million from Liberty Mutual Cooperate office to upgrade our system. Additional funds will be added to the project fund as needed. The system will allow us to be able to connect all the work stations in the office and remote areas. Since our office existing work stations are operating beyond design capacity it is necessary to replace them as it will allow us to be able to perform our jobs properly.
Our backup system is floppy disks, that one of the employees carries it home at the end of the day. Our internet is still a dial up system and every time we do a transaction we get logged out of the internet and we have to start the entire work again. We need cell phones for our employees so we can always call them when they decide to work from home. The office only has 3 work stations and employees have to always share with someone else, this slows us down especially if one of the work station breaks down there is no any backup computer. Our computers are very slow it takes a long time to open up a folder and sometimes the computers will freeze especially when downloading a big file.
· Internet/intranet enabled
· System operations and performance
· Security, backup and recovery
· Systems restrictions you may have
A written response to our RFP including:
a. Product detail (Brochure)– the current version available
b. Vendors background, quality accreditation, annual accounts
c. Maintenance and support details and Implementation assistance and training
d. Reference site details for you to contact
e. Outline costs of hardware/software, implementation, training, annual maintenance and support.